Сегодня родилась Куварзина Юлия Анатольевна
14 июля 1975 года в Москве родилась Куварзина Юлия Анатольевна. Это российская актриса театра и кино, преподаватель школы-студии МХАТ. В 1998 году окончила Школу-студию МХАТ и в том же году была принята в группу Театра на Таганке. Актриса стала популярной благодаря роли в сериале «Не родись красивой». Её самая известная роль — роль Насти в сериале Воронины.
On July 14, 1975 in Moscow Kuvarzina Yulia Anatolyevna was born. This is a Russian actress of theater and cinema, a teacher of Moscow Art Theatre school studio. In 1998 she has graduated from Moscow Art Theatre School studio and the same year was admitted to group of the Taganka Theatre. The actress became popular thanks to a role in series "Beauty isn't happiness". Her most known role is Nastya's role in series "Voronins".
On July 14, 1975 in Moscow Kuvarzina Yulia Anatolyevna was born. This is a Russian actress of theater and cinema, a teacher of Moscow Art Theatre school studio. In 1998 she has graduated from Moscow Art Theatre School studio and the same year was admitted to group of the Taganka Theatre. The actress became popular thanks to a role in series "Beauty isn't happiness". Her most known role is Nastya's role in series "Voronins".
- theater
- teacher, professor
- thanks to
- famous