Сегодня родился Абрамов Анатолий Васильевич
4 декабря 1915 года родился Абрамов Анатолий Васильевич. Это советский актёр театра и кино, создавший на экране и на сцене множество комедийных и сатирических образов. Самые известные фильмы с участием Анатолия Абрамова: "Педагогическая поэма", "Медовый месяц", "Чужая беда", "12 стульев", "Зелёная карета", "Преступление и наказание" и многие другие.
On December 4, 1915 Abramov Anatoly Vasilyevich was born. This is a Soviet stage and film actor who has created on the screen and on the stage a set of comedy and satirical images. The most famous movies with Anatoly Abramov's participation are: "The pedagogical poem", "Honeymoon", "Others trouble", "12 chairs", "The green carriage", "Crime and punishment" and many others.
On December 4, 1915 Abramov Anatoly Vasilyevich was born. This is a Soviet stage and film actor who has created on the screen and on the stage a set of comedy and satirical images. The most famous movies with Anatoly Abramov's participation are: "The pedagogical poem", "Honeymoon", "Others trouble", "12 chairs", "The green carriage", "Crime and punishment" and many others.
- film
- theater
- soviet
- many
- month
- pedagogical
- famous
- green (adj.)