Пломбир - это французское сливочное мороженое, приготовленное из цельного молока или сливок с повышенным количеством яиц, ароматическими и вкусовыми добавками (ваниль, миндальная эссенция, шоколад, орехи, фрукты). Это мороженое очень популярно в России и других странах СНГ. Пломбир появился в эпоху Наполеона III. Русская вариация пломбира несколько отличается от французского оригинала, но она также очень вкусная.
Ice cream is a French creamy ice cream made from whole milk or cream with increased amount of eggs, aromatic and flavoring additives (vanilla, almond essence, chocolate, nuts, fruit). This ice cream is very popular in Russia and other CIS countries. Ice cream appeared during Napoléon III's era. The Russian variation of ice cream differs from the French original a little, but it is also very tasty.
Ice cream is a French creamy ice cream made from whole milk or cream with increased amount of eggs, aromatic and flavoring additives (vanilla, almond essence, chocolate, nuts, fruit). This ice cream is very popular in Russia and other CIS countries. Ice cream appeared during Napoléon III's era. The Russian variation of ice cream differs from the French original a little, but it is also very tasty.
- fruits
- fruit
- very
- some, several
- ice-cream
- creamy
- tasty
- vanillin
- it tastes good