Остров Врангеля
Остров Врангеля - это российский остров в Северном Ледовитом океане между Восточно-Сибирским и Чукотским морями. Он был назван в честь российского мореплавателя и государственного деятеля XIX века Фердинанда Петровича Врангеля. Этот остров входит в состав заповедника и является объектом всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. На острове присутствуют небольшие ледники и некрупные озёра, а также арктическая тундра. На острове обитают белые медведи, песцы, росомахи и волки, тюлени и моржи. На территории острова были найдены останки мамонтов.
Wrangel Island is a Russian island in the Arctic Ocean between East Siberian and Chukchi seas. It was called in honor of a Russian seafarer and a statesman of the XIX century Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel. This island is a part of the reserve and is object of the world heritage of UNESCO. On the island there are small glaciers and medium-sized lakes, and also the Arctic tundra. There are polar bears, polar foxes, wolverines and wolves, seals and walruses on the island. In the territory of the island were found remains of mammoths.
Wrangel Island is a Russian island in the Arctic Ocean between East Siberian and Chukchi seas. It was called in honor of a Russian seafarer and a statesman of the XIX century Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel. This island is a part of the reserve and is object of the world heritage of UNESCO. On the island there are small glaciers and medium-sized lakes, and also the Arctic tundra. There are polar bears, polar foxes, wolverines and wolves, seals and walruses on the island. In the territory of the island were found remains of mammoths.