Факты о броненосцах
Броненосцы - это млекопитающие, которые имеют панцирь и обитают в Южной, Центральной и на юге Северной Америки. У броненосцев хорошо развиты обоняние и слух, но плохое зрение. Они не различают цветов. Броненосцы спят в среднем 18,5 часов в сутки. Самка броненосца может заморозить беременность на несколько лет из-за стресса.
Armadillos are mammals who have an armor and live in Southern, Central and in the south of North America. They have a good sense of smell and hearing, but a poor eyesight. They don't distinguish colours. Armadillos sleep on average 18,5 hours a day. The female of Armadillos can freeze its pregnancy for several years because of a stress.
Armadillos are mammals who have an armor and live in Southern, Central and in the south of North America. They have a good sense of smell and hearing, but a poor eyesight. They don't distinguish colours. Armadillos sleep on average 18,5 hours a day. The female of Armadillos can freeze its pregnancy for several years because of a stress.
- twenty four hours
- some, several
- pregnancy
- development (noun, n.)
- bad