Сегодня родился Смирнов Алексей Макарович
28 февраля 1920 года родился Смирнов Алексей Макарович. Это знаменитый советский актёр театра и кино. Смирнов получил широкую известность благодаря комедийным ролям в кино. Самый известный фильм с его участием - это «Операция «Ы» и другие приключения Шурика». А благодаря роли механика Макарыча в фильме «В бой идут одни „старики“» Алексей Смирнов был открыт зрителю как незаурядный драматический актёр.
On February 28, 1920 Smirnov Alexey Makarovich was born. This is a famous Soviet stage and film actor. Smirnov has become widely known thanks to comedy roles at cinema. The most famous movie with him is "Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik". And thanks to a role of the mechanic Makarych in the movie "Only "Old Men" Go into Battle" Alexey Smirnov has been opened for the viewer as an uncommon drama actor.
On February 28, 1920 Smirnov Alexey Makarovich was born. This is a famous Soviet stage and film actor. Smirnov has become widely known thanks to comedy roles at cinema. The most famous movie with him is "Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik". And thanks to a role of the mechanic Makarych in the movie "Only "Old Men" Go into Battle" Alexey Smirnov has been opened for the viewer as an uncommon drama actor.
- film
- theater
- famous
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