Сегодня родился Леонтович Михаил Александрович
3 марта 1903 года родился Леонтович Михаил Александрович. Это выдающийся советский физик-теоретик, автор работ по физике плазмы и радиофизике. С 12-13 лет у Леонтовича появился интерес к естественным наукам — геологии и химии. Научный вклад Михаила Александровича огромный. Его теоретическая школа стала лидером в теории высокотемпературной плазмы на долгие годы.
On March 3, 1903 Leontovich Mikhail Aleksandrovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet physicist-theorist, the author of works on physics of plasma and radiophysics. Since 12-13 years Leontovich had an interest in natural sciences — geology and chemistry. Scientific contribution of Mikhail Aleksandrovich is huge. His theoretical school became the leader in the theory of high-temperature plasma for many years.
On March 3, 1903 Leontovich Mikhail Aleksandrovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet physicist-theorist, the author of works on physics of plasma and radiophysics. Since 12-13 years Leontovich had an interest in natural sciences — geology and chemistry. Scientific contribution of Mikhail Aleksandrovich is huge. His theoretical school became the leader in the theory of high-temperature plasma for many years.
- physicist
- school
- huge
- scientific
- interest
- author
- work, job