Сегодня родился Жжёнов Георгий Степанович
22 марта родился Жжёнов Георгий Степанович. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино. После циркового техникума, он работал в цирке, где его заметили работники кино. Жжёнов сыграл главную роль тракториста в фильме «Ошибка героя» (1932). После успеха в этом фильме, он оставил цирковую карьеру ради карьеры киноактера. За годы творческой деятельности он сыграл более 100 ролей в театре и кино.
On March 22 Zhzhyonov Georgy Stepanovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. After circus technical school, he worked in circus where he was noticed by employees of cinema. Zhzhyonov played a leading role of the tractor operator in the movie "Hero's Mistake" (1932). After success in this movie, he left circus career for the sake of career of the film actor. For years of creative activity he has played more than 100 roles in theater and cinema.
On March 22 Zhzhyonov Georgy Stepanovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. After circus technical school, he worked in circus where he was noticed by employees of cinema. Zhzhyonov played a leading role of the tractor operator in the movie "Hero's Mistake" (1932). After success in this movie, he left circus career for the sake of career of the film actor. For years of creative activity he has played more than 100 roles in theater and cinema.
- film
- success
- theater