Сегодня родился Максим Горький
28 марта 1868 года родился Алексей Максимович Пешков, который больше известен под псевдонимом Максим Горький. Это российский и советский писатель. основатель литературного реалистического метода и политический активист. Горький был самым издаваемым в СССР советским писателем за 1918—1986 годы: общий тираж 3556 изданий составил 242,621 млн экземпляров. По популярности среди советских писателей, Горький уступает лишь Толстому и Пушкину.
On March 28, 1868 Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov who is better known under a pseudonym Maxim Gorky was born. This is a Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the socialist realism literary method and a political activist. Gorky was the Soviet writer who was the most published in the USSR in 1918 — 1986: the 3556 issuings made 242,621 million copies. In popularity among the Soviet writers, Gorky concedes only to Tolstoy and Pushkin.
On March 28, 1868 Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov who is better known under a pseudonym Maxim Gorky was born. This is a Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the socialist realism literary method and a political activist. Gorky was the Soviet writer who was the most published in the USSR in 1918 — 1986: the 3556 issuings made 242,621 million copies. In popularity among the Soviet writers, Gorky concedes only to Tolstoy and Pushkin.
- political
- writer
- common, general