Крейсер Аврора спущен на воду
24 мая 1900 года на воду был спущен знаменитый крейсер "Аврора". Он назван в честь парусного фрегата "Аврора", который прославился при обороне Петропавловска-Камчатского в годы Крымской войны. Во время русско-японской войны участвовал в походе Второй Тихоокеанской эскадры, закончившемся Цусимским сражением. Крейсер принимал участие также в Первой мировой войне. Холостой выстрел с "Авроры" явился сигналом к штурму Зимнего дворца. Аврора является объектом культурного наследия Российской Федерации.
On May 24, 1900 the well-known cruiser "Aurora" floated. It is called in honor of a sailing frigate "Aurora" which has become famous at defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the years of the Crimean war. During the Russian-Japanese war it participated in the campaign of the Second Pacific squadron which has ended with Tsusimsky battle. The cruiser took part also in World War I. The single shot from "Aurora" was a signal to storm of the Winter Palace. The "Aurora" is object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.
On May 24, 1900 the well-known cruiser "Aurora" floated. It is called in honor of a sailing frigate "Aurora" which has become famous at defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky in the years of the Crimean war. During the Russian-Japanese war it participated in the campaign of the Second Pacific squadron which has ended with Tsusimsky battle. The cruiser took part also in World War I. The single shot from "Aurora" was a signal to storm of the Winter Palace. The "Aurora" is object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.