Сегодня родилась Жеймо Янина Болеславовна
29 мая 1909 года родилась Жеймо Янина Болеславовна. Это советская киноактриса. Огромную известность актрисе принесла роль Золушки фильме Кошеверовой. Актриса до 40 лет выглядела как юная девушка. За свою жизнь актриса сыграла роли в большом количестве фильмов.
On May 29, 1909 Zheymo Yanina Boleslavovna was born. This is a Soviet film actress. Huge popularity to the actress was brought by a role of the Cinderella in movie by Kosheverova. The actress till 40 years looked as a young girl. During her life the actress played roles in a large number of movies.
On May 29, 1909 Zheymo Yanina Boleslavovna was born. This is a Soviet film actress. Huge popularity to the actress was brought by a role of the Cinderella in movie by Kosheverova. The actress till 40 years looked as a young girl. During her life the actress played roles in a large number of movies.
- film
- life
- girl