Сегодня родился Пушкин Александр Сергеевич
6 июня 1799 года в Москве родился Пушкин Александр Сергеевич. Это великий русский поэт. Пушкин писал свои произведения в стихах и в прозе. Самые известные его произведения: роман в стихах "Евгений Онегин", реалистическая драма Борис Годунов, мистическая повесть "Пиковая Дама", исторический роман "Капитанская дочка" и многие другие.
On June 6, 1799 in Moscow Pushkin Alexander Sergeyevich was born. This is the great Russian poet. Pushkin wrote verses and prose. His most known works: the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", the realistic drama Boris Godunov, the mystical story "Queen of spades", the historical novel "Captain's Daughter" and many others.
On June 6, 1799 in Moscow Pushkin Alexander Sergeyevich was born. This is the great Russian poet. Pushkin wrote verses and prose. His most known works: the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", the realistic drama Boris Godunov, the mystical story "Queen of spades", the historical novel "Captain's Daughter" and many others.
- novel
- historical
- Eugene
- Boris
- literature
- famous