16 июня считается днем рождения международного детского центра Артек, который расположен на южном берегу Крыма в посёлке Гурзуф. Детский лагерь был открыт в 1925 году. В советское время это был самый знаменитый пионерский лагерь СССР. Постепенно «Артек» из небольшого летнего палаточного лагеря вырос в один из самых крупных в мире комплексов детского отдыха.
June 16 is considered birthday of the international children's center Artek which is located on the southern coast of the Crimea in the settlement of Gurzuf. The children's camp was opened in 1925. In Soviet period it was the best-known summer camp of the USSR. Gradually "Artek" grew from a small summer camp in one of the largest complexes for children's rest in the world.
June 16 is considered birthday of the international children's center Artek which is located on the southern coast of the Crimea in the settlement of Gurzuf. The children's camp was opened in 1925. In Soviet period it was the best-known summer camp of the USSR. Gradually "Artek" grew from a small summer camp in one of the largest complexes for children's rest in the world.