Михайловский сад
Михайловский сад - это один из самых известных и благоустроенных парков Санкт-Петербурга. Он находится в самом центре города. Михайловский сад находится под управлением Государственного Русского музея. Он возник в начале XVIII века. Каждый год в парке проводится фестиваль "Императорские сады России".
Mikhailovsky Garden is one of the most known and well-planned parks of St. Petersburg. It is situated in the center of the city. Mikhailovsky Garden is under control of the State Russian Museum. It has arisen at the beginning of the XVIII century. Every year in this park festival "the Imperial Gardens of Russia " is held.
Mikhailovsky Garden is one of the most known and well-planned parks of St. Petersburg. It is situated in the center of the city. Mikhailovsky Garden is under control of the State Russian Museum. It has arisen at the beginning of the XVIII century. Every year in this park festival "the Imperial Gardens of Russia " is held.
- center
- Russia
- city (noun, m.)
- everyone, every