Город Полярный
Полярный - это город в Мурманской области России, расположен на берегу Екатерининской гавани Кольского залива Баренцева моря, примерно в 30 км от Мурманска. В городе расположен пункт базирования Северного флота. Въезд в город граждан, не проживающих в нём постоянно, допускается только по специальным пропускам. Город был основан в 1899 году. В Полярном есть музей военной техники, а также краеведческий музей.
Polyarny is a city in Murmansk region of Russia, which is located on the bank of Ekaterina's harbor of Kola Bay of the Barents Sea, approximately in 30 km away from Murmansk. The navy base of Northern fleet is located in the city. Entry into the city of the citizens who aren't living constantly there is allowed only according to special admissions. The city was founded in 1899. There are a museum of military equipment and also museum of local lore in Polyarny.
Polyarny is a city in Murmansk region of Russia, which is located on the bank of Ekaterina's harbor of Kola Bay of the Barents Sea, approximately in 30 km away from Murmansk. The navy base of Northern fleet is located in the city. Entry into the city of the citizens who aren't living constantly there is allowed only according to special admissions. The city was founded in 1899. There are a museum of military equipment and also museum of local lore in Polyarny.
- museum
- city (noun, m.)
- bank
- technique, machinery, engineering
- military man