Эфирные масла
Эфирные масла - это маслянистые жидкости с сильным запахом и вкусом. Эфирные масла образуются только в растениях и имеют чрезвычайно сильные физиологические и фармакологические свойства. Их используют в медицине и косметологии, в парфюмерии и в пищевой промышленности.
Essential oils are oily liquids with a strong smell and taste. Essential oils are formed only in plants and have extremely strong physiological and pharmacological properties. They are used in medicine and cosmetology, in perfumery and in the food industry.
Essential oils are oily liquids with a strong smell and taste. Essential oils are formed only in plants and have extremely strong physiological and pharmacological properties. They are used in medicine and cosmetology, in perfumery and in the food industry.
- perfumery
- medicine
- strong