Сегодня родился Домогаров Александр Юрьевич
12 июля 1963 года в Москве родился Домогаров Александр Юрьевич. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино, телеведущий, исполнитель русского шансона. В 1984 году он окончил Высшее театральное училище имени Щепкина. В кино Александр Домогаров начал сниматься с 1984 года, дебютировав в картине «Наследство». Главная роль в фильме "Графиня де Монсоро" сделала его популярным. Фильмы, в которых играл роли Домогаров: "Огнем и мечом", "Гардемарины — III", "Бандитский Петербург", "Марш Турецкого", "Ныряльщик", "Волна преступности", "Одна июньская ночь".
On July 12, 1963 in Moscow Domogarov Alexander Yuryevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a TV host, a performer of the Russian chanson. In 1984 he graduated from the Highest theatrical school of Shchepkin. At cinema Alexander Domogarov started acting in 1984, having debuted in the picture "Inheritance". The leading role in the movie "Countess De Monsoro" has made him popular. Movies in which Domogarov played roles: "With Fire and Sword", "Naval cadets — III", "Gangster St. Petersburg", "March Turkish", "Diver", "A crime wave", "One June night".
On July 12, 1963 in Moscow Domogarov Alexander Yuryevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a TV host, a performer of the Russian chanson. In 1984 he graduated from the Highest theatrical school of Shchepkin. At cinema Alexander Domogarov started acting in 1984, having debuted in the picture "Inheritance". The leading role in the movie "Countess De Monsoro" has made him popular. Movies in which Domogarov played roles: "With Fire and Sword", "Naval cadets — III", "Gangster St. Petersburg", "March Turkish", "Diver", "A crime wave", "One June night".
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