Сегодня родилась Пелагея
14 июля 1986 в Новосибирске родилась Пелагея Сергеевна Ханова. Это российская певица, основательница и солистка группы «Пелагея». Она исполняет русские народные песни, романсы и авторские сочинения. Певица была названа Пелагеей в честь своей бабушки. В 10 лет Пелагея подписала контракт с фирмой "Feelee Records" и переехала в Москву.
On July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk Pelageya Sergeyevna Hanova was born. This is a Russian singer, a founder and a soloist of Pelageya group. She sings Russian national songs, romances and author's compositions. The singer was named Pelageya in honor of her grandmother. When she was 10, Pelageya signed the contract with Feelee Records firm and moved to Moscow.
On July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk Pelageya Sergeyevna Hanova was born. This is a Russian singer, a founder and a soloist of Pelageya group. She sings Russian national songs, romances and author's compositions. The singer was named Pelageya in honor of her grandmother. When she was 10, Pelageya signed the contract with Feelee Records firm and moved to Moscow.