Сегодня родилась Ермолова Мария Николаевна
15 июля 1853 года в Москве родилась Ермолова Мария Николаевна. Это русская драматическая актриса Малого театра, величайшая актриса своего времени. Она прославилась ролями свободолюбивых личностей, преданных своим идеалам и противостоящих окружающей пошлости. В 1985 году в её честь назван кратер на Венере. Имя Ермоловой носит расположенный на Тверской улице Московский драматический театр.
On July 15, 1853 in Moscow Yermolova Maria Nikolaevna was born. This is a Russian drama actress of Maly Theatre, the greatest actress of the time. She has become famous for roles of the freedom-loving persons devoted to the ideals and resisting to surrounding platitude. In 1985 in her honor the crater on Venus was called. The Moscow drama theater located on Tverskaya Street the name of Yermolova carries.
On July 15, 1853 in Moscow Yermolova Maria Nikolaevna was born. This is a Russian drama actress of Maly Theatre, the greatest actress of the time. She has become famous for roles of the freedom-loving persons devoted to the ideals and resisting to surrounding platitude. In 1985 in her honor the crater on Venus was called. The Moscow drama theater located on Tverskaya Street the name of Yermolova carries.
- Russian
- theater
- Venus