Сегодня родился Черенков Фёдор Фёдорович
25 июля 1959 года в Москве родился Черенков Фёдор Фёдорович. Это выдающийся советский и российский футболист, полузащитник. Большую часть карьеры он был в составе московского «Спартака». Черенков сыграл 34 матча за сборную СССР. Фёдор был одним из лучших футболистов СССР, которого уважали даже соперники.
On July 25, 1959 in Moscow Cherenkov Fyodor Fyodorovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet and Russian football player, a halfback. The most part of his career he was a part of Moscow "Spartak". Cherenkov played 34 matches for the national team of the USSR. Fyodor was one of the best football players of the USSR who was respected even by rivals.
On July 25, 1959 in Moscow Cherenkov Fyodor Fyodorovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet and Russian football player, a halfback. The most part of his career he was a part of Moscow "Spartak". Cherenkov played 34 matches for the national team of the USSR. Fyodor was one of the best football players of the USSR who was respected even by rivals.
- part, unit
- fotball-player