Кроноцкий заповедник
Кроноцкий заповедник является одним из старейших заповедников России. Он был основан в 1934 году. Этот заповедник расположен в восточной части полуострова Камчатка и включает в себя трехмильную акваторию Тихого океана. Здесь расположены 8 действующих вулканов, термальные озера, знаменитая Долина гейзеров и водопады.
The Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve is one of the oldest reserves of Russia. It was founded in 1934. This reserve is located in east part of the peninsula of Kamchatka and includes the three-mile water area of the Pacific Ocean. There are 8 active volcanoes, thermal lakes, the well-known Valley of geysers and waterfalls.
The Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve is one of the oldest reserves of Russia. It was founded in 1934. This reserve is located in east part of the peninsula of Kamchatka and includes the three-mile water area of the Pacific Ocean. There are 8 active volcanoes, thermal lakes, the well-known Valley of geysers and waterfalls.
- ocean
- here
- eastern, oriental