Сегодня родилась Чериченко Ирина Вячеславовна
3 августа 1963 года родилась Чериченко Ирина Вячеславовна. Это советская и российская киноактриса. Ирина снялась с большом количестве фильмов. Она прерывала свою кинокарьеру, когда в 25 лет поступила послушницей в монастырь. Через несколько месяцев Ирина Чериченко ушла из монастыря и продолжила карьеру актрисы. Актриса стала знаменитой после роли Ольги в фильме "Город Невест".
On August 3, 1963 Cherichenko Irina Vyacheslavovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian film actress. Irina has played roles in a large number of movies. She interrupted her film career in 25 years old when she entered to the monastery as a novice. In several months Irina Cherichenko has left the monastery and has continued career of the actress. The actress became well-known after Olga's role in the movie "City of Brides".
On August 3, 1963 Cherichenko Irina Vyacheslavovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian film actress. Irina has played roles in a large number of movies. She interrupted her film career in 25 years old when she entered to the monastery as a novice. In several months Irina Cherichenko has left the monastery and has continued career of the actress. The actress became well-known after Olga's role in the movie "City of Brides".
- film
- after(wards), later (on)
- some, several
- monastery
- month
- city (noun, m.)