Сегодня родился Репин Илья Ефимович
4 августа 1844 года родился Репин Илья Ефимович. Это известный русский художник-живописец. Репин стал одной из ключевых фигур русского реализма. Художник умел отображать в картинах все разнообразие окружающей жизни. Расцвет творчества Репина пришёлся на 1880-е годы. В этот период он создал галерею портретов современников. В последние годы жизни он рисовал библейские сюжеты.
On August 4, 1844 Repin Ilya Efimovich was born. This is a famous Russian artist-painter. Repin became one of the key figures of the Russian realism. The artist was able to display all variety of surrounding life in pictures. Blossoming of creativity of Repin has fallen on the 1880th years. During this period he has created gallery of portraits of contemporaries. In last years of his life he has painted biblical scenes.
On August 4, 1844 Repin Ilya Efimovich was born. This is a famous Russian artist-painter. Repin became one of the key figures of the Russian realism. The artist was able to display all variety of surrounding life in pictures. Blossoming of creativity of Repin has fallen on the 1880th years. During this period he has created gallery of portraits of contemporaries. In last years of his life he has painted biblical scenes.
- artist
- famous
- own, native
- picture
- last, ultimate, final
- gallery