Остров Попова
Остров Попова расположен в 20 километрах к югу от Владивостока (Россия). Остров омывается Японским морем. Он был назван в честь адмирала Андрея Александровича Попова. На острове расположен поселок с таким же названием. На острове действует несколько турбаз, палаточные городки и баз отдыха. Здесь находится музей Дальневосточного морского заповедника.
Popov's island is located in 20 kilometers to the South from Vladivostok (Russia). The island is washed by the Sea of Japan. It was called in honor of the admiral Andrey Aleksandrovich Popov. There is a settlement with the same name on the island. Several camp sites, tent towns and recreation facilities work are there on the island. There is a museum of the Far East sea reserve.
Popov's island is located in 20 kilometers to the South from Vladivostok (Russia). The island is washed by the Sea of Japan. It was called in honor of the admiral Andrey Aleksandrovich Popov. There is a settlement with the same name on the island. Several camp sites, tent towns and recreation facilities work are there on the island. There is a museum of the Far East sea reserve.
- rest
- island
- some, several
- museum
- sea, marine