Сегодня родилась Высоцкая Юлия Александровна
16 августа 1973 года родилась Высоцкая Юлия Александровна. Это российская актриса театра и кино, телеведущая. Юлия закончила актёрский факультет Белорусской государственной академии искусств и Лондонскую академию музыкального и драматического искусства. Она ведет кулинарные передачи "Едим дома!" и "Завтрак с Юлией Высоцкой". Актриса играла роли в спектаклях и телевизионных фильмах. Фильмы с участием Высоцкой: "Игра воображения", "Дом дураков", "Макс", "Солдатский декамерон" и другие.
On August 16, 1973 Vysotskaya Yulia Aleksandrovna was born. This is a Russian actress of theater and cinema, a TV host. Yulia has graduated from actor's faculty of the Belarusian state academy of arts and the London academy of musical and drama art. She conducts culinary broadcasts "We Eat at home!" and "Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya". The actress played roles in performances and tv movies. Movies with Vysotskaya's participation are: "Freak of the imagination", "House of fools", "Max", "A soldier's Decameron" and others.
On August 16, 1973 Vysotskaya Yulia Aleksandrovna was born. This is a Russian actress of theater and cinema, a TV host. Yulia has graduated from actor's faculty of the Belarusian state academy of arts and the London academy of musical and drama art. She conducts culinary broadcasts "We Eat at home!" and "Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya". The actress played roles in performances and tv movies. Movies with Vysotskaya's participation are: "Freak of the imagination", "House of fools", "Max", "A soldier's Decameron" and others.
- film
- faculty
- theater
- breakfast
- August
- broadcast, telecast
- art
- state