Русское географическое общество
18 августа 1845 года учреждено Русское географическое общество. Это одно из старейших географических обществ мира. Главная задача Русского географического общества — сбор и распространение достоверных географических сведений. Среди учредителей Русского Географического Общества были знаменитые мореплаватели и ученые: Литке, Крузенштерн, Врангель, Бэр, Струве, Гельмерсен. В настоящее время к числу изданий Общества относится научно-популярный журнал "Вокруг света", издающийся с 1861 года.
On August 18, 1845 the Russian Geographical Society was founded. It is one of the oldest Geographical Societies of the world. The main task of the Russian Geographical Society is collection and distribution of authentic geographical data. Among founders of the Russian Geographical Society were famous seafarers and scientists: Litke, Krusenstern, Wrangel, Ber, Struve, Gelmersen. Now the popular scientific magazine "Round the world" which has been issued since 1861 is among editions of Society.
On August 18, 1845 the Russian Geographical Society was founded. It is one of the oldest Geographical Societies of the world. The main task of the Russian Geographical Society is collection and distribution of authentic geographical data. Among founders of the Russian Geographical Society were famous seafarers and scientists: Litke, Krusenstern, Wrangel, Ber, Struve, Gelmersen. Now the popular scientific magazine "Round the world" which has been issued since 1861 is among editions of Society.
- popular
- problem
- magazine
- time
- scientific
- main
- society
- geographical