Сегодня родился Иван Грозный
25 августа 1530 года родился Иван Грозный (Иван IV). Это первый русский царь, великий князь московский. Номинально Иван стал правителем в 3 года. Формально Иван IV правил дольше любого из Русских правителей — 50 лет и 105 дней. Иван IV возглавил множество военных походов. Он был одним из самых образованных людей своего времени. Он обладал феноменальной памятью и хорошей эрудицией.
On August 25, 1530 Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV) was born. This is the first Russian tsar, the grand duke of Moscow. Nominally Ivan became a governor when he was 3 years old. Formally Ivan IV governed longer than any of Ruassian governors — 50 years and 105 days. Ivan IV has headed a set of military campaigns. He was one of the most educated person of the time. He had infallible memory and good erudition.
On August 25, 1530 Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV) was born. This is the first Russian tsar, the grand duke of Moscow. Nominally Ivan became a governor when he was 3 years old. Formally Ivan IV governed longer than any of Ruassian governors — 50 years and 105 days. Ivan IV has headed a set of military campaigns. He was one of the most educated person of the time. He had infallible memory and good erudition.
- first
- great (adj, m.)
- government
- military man