Сегодня родился Кочетов Борис Сергеевич
26 августа 1914 года родился Кочетов Борис Сергеевич. Это советский футболист, вратарь. Он был одним из сильнейших вратарей Советского Союза второй половины 1930-х годов. Кочетов выступал за московские клубы ЦДКА, "Торпедо", "Динамо", а также за минское "Динамо".
On August 26, 1914 Kochetov Boris Sergeyevich was born. This is a Soviet football player, a goalkeeper. He was one of the strongest goalkeepers of the Soviet Union of the second half of the 1930th. Kochetov played for the Moscow clubs of TsDKA, "Torpedo", "Dynamo", and also for Minsk "Dynamo".
On August 26, 1914 Kochetov Boris Sergeyevich was born. This is a Soviet football player, a goalkeeper. He was one of the strongest goalkeepers of the Soviet Union of the second half of the 1930th. Kochetov played for the Moscow clubs of TsDKA, "Torpedo", "Dynamo", and also for Minsk "Dynamo".
- fotball-player
- Boris