Сегодня родился Добронравов Фёдор Викторович
11 сентября 1961 года в Таганроге родился Добронравов Фёдор Викторович. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино, певец, продюсер. Актер работал в театрах «Сатирикон» и Московском академическом театре Сатиры. Самые известные фильмы и сериалы с участием Фёдора Добронравова: "Сваты", "Папины дочки", "Страна чудес", "Все включено", "Братья по обмену" и многие другие.
On September 11, 1961 in Taganrog Dobronravov Fyodor Viktorovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a singer, a producer. The actor worked in Satirikon theaters and the Moscow academic theater of Satire. The most famous movies and series with Fyodor Dobronravov's participation are: "Matchmakers", "Father's daughters", "Wonderland", "All Inclusive", "Brothers on exchange" and many others.
On September 11, 1961 in Taganrog Dobronravov Fyodor Viktorovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a singer, a producer. The actor worked in Satirikon theaters and the Moscow academic theater of Satire. The most famous movies and series with Fyodor Dobronravov's participation are: "Matchmakers", "Father's daughters", "Wonderland", "All Inclusive", "Brothers on exchange" and many others.
- film
- theater
- country
- Russian
- singer
- many
- famous