Сегодня родился Лесгафт Пётр Францевич
20 сентября 1837 года в Санкт-Петербурге родился Лесгафт Пётр Францевич. Это русский биолог, анатом, антрополог, врач, педагог. Также известен как создатель теоретической функциональной анатомии в палеонтологии, научной системы физического воспитания. За свою жизнь Пётр Лесгарф написал много научных трудов, включая "Семейное воспитание ребёнка и его значение", "Первые годы жизни ребёнка", "Анатомия человека" и многие другие.
On September 20, 1837 in St. Petersburg Lesgaft Pyotr Frantsevich was born. This is a Russian biologist, an anatomist, an anthropologist, a doctor, a teacher. He is also known as a creator of theoretical functional anatomy in paleontology, scientific system of physical training. For his life Pyotr Lesgarf has written many scientific works, including "Family education of the child and its value", "The first years of life of the child", "Human anatomy" and many others.
On September 20, 1837 in St. Petersburg Lesgaft Pyotr Frantsevich was born. This is a Russian biologist, an anatomist, an anthropologist, a doctor, a teacher. He is also known as a creator of theoretical functional anatomy in paleontology, scientific system of physical training. For his life Pyotr Lesgarf has written many scientific works, including "Family education of the child and its value", "The first years of life of the child", "Human anatomy" and many others.
- man, person
- Russian
- many
- meaning
- life
- biologist
- scientific
- biology