Сегодня родился Осенев Владимир Иванович
21 сентября 1908 года в Москве родился Осенев Владимир Иванович. Это русский советский актёр. Это блестящий исполнитель водевильных и комедийных ролей. Он снимался в кино нечасто, однако сыграл ряд запомнившихся ролей, в основном эпизодических. Владимир Осенев также озвучивал мультики такие как "Вини-Пух", "Чудеса в решете и другие". Самые известные фильмы с участием Владимира Осенева: "Ключи от рая", "Бриллианты для диктатуры пролетариата", "Щит и меч", "Товарищ Генерал".
On September 21, 1908 in Moscow Osenev Vladimir Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian Soviet actor. This is a brilliant performer of vaudevillian and comedy roles. He played roles in films not often however he played a number of the remembered roles. Vladimir Osenev also sounded animated cartoons such as "Vini-Pukh", "Fantastic tales and others". The most famous movies with Vladimir Osenev's participation are: "Keys from paradise", "Diamonds for dictatorship of the proletariat", "Board and sword", "Companion General".
On September 21, 1908 in Moscow Osenev Vladimir Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian Soviet actor. This is a brilliant performer of vaudevillian and comedy roles. He played roles in films not often however he played a number of the remembered roles. Vladimir Osenev also sounded animated cartoons such as "Vini-Pukh", "Fantastic tales and others". The most famous movies with Vladimir Osenev's participation are: "Keys from paradise", "Diamonds for dictatorship of the proletariat", "Board and sword", "Companion General".
- film
- Vladimir
- fiend
- famous