Сегодня родился Челищев Павел Фёдорович
21 сентября 1898 года родился Челищев Павел Фёдорович. Это русский художник, основатель мистического сюрреализма. Живопись Челищева высоко ценили Дали и Пикассо. Художник жил и работал в Стамбуле, Париже, США и Италии. В 2007 году в галерее "Наши художники" состоялась первая выставка Павла Челищева в России. Самые известные картины Челищева: "Апофеоз", "Игра в прятки", "Феникс" и другие.
On September 21, 1898 Chelishchev Pavel Fyodorovich was born. This is a Russian artist, a founder of mystical surrealism. Chelishchev's painting was highly appreciated by Dali and Picasso. The artist lived and worked in Istanbul, Paris, the USA and Italy. In 2007 in "Our Artists" gallery the first exhibition of Pavel Chelishchev in Russia took place. The most known pictures of Chelishchev are: "Deification", "Hide-and-seek", Phoenix and others.
On September 21, 1898 Chelishchev Pavel Fyodorovich was born. This is a Russian artist, a founder of mystical surrealism. Chelishchev's painting was highly appreciated by Dali and Picasso. The artist lived and worked in Istanbul, Paris, the USA and Italy. In 2007 in "Our Artists" gallery the first exhibition of Pavel Chelishchev in Russia took place. The most known pictures of Chelishchev are: "Deification", "Hide-and-seek", Phoenix and others.
- artist
- high, tall
- painting
- exibition
- picture
- Italy