Сегодня родилась Метлицкая Ирина Юрьевна
5 октября 1961 года родилась Метлицкая Ирина Юрьевна. Это советская и российская актриса театра и кино. Ирина Метлицкая закончила театральное училище Щукина. Самые известные фильмы с участием Ирины Метлицкой: "Личное дело судьи Ивановой", "Не забудьте выключить телевизор", "Куколка", "Палач", "Я люблю", "Черная вуаль" и многие другие.
On October 5, 1961 Metlitskaya Irina Yurevna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema. Irina Metlitskaya has graduated from the Schukin theatrical school. The most famous movies with Irina Metlitskaya's participation are: "A personal record of the judge Ivanova", "Don't forget to switch off the TV", "Doll", "Executioner", "I love", "A black veil" and many others.
On October 5, 1961 Metlitskaya Irina Yurevna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema. Irina Metlitskaya has graduated from the Schukin theatrical school. The most famous movies with Irina Metlitskaya's participation are: "A personal record of the judge Ivanova", "Don't forget to switch off the TV", "Doll", "Executioner", "I love", "A black veil" and many others.
- film
- TV set
- theater
- many
- to switch off
- cartoon
- famous