Сегодня родился Виноградов Валентин Николаевич
7 октября 1933 года в Баку родился Виноградов Валентин Николаевич. Это советский, российский кинорежиссёр, сценарист, киноактёр. Валентин Виноградов дебютировал как актёр в фильме "Убийцы", в котором сыграл роль гангстера.
On October 7, 1933 Vinogradov Valentin Nikolaevich was born in Baku. This is a Soviet, Russian film director, a screenwriter, a film actor. Valentin Vinogradov debuted as an actor in the movie "Murderers" in which he has played a role of a gangster.
On October 7, 1933 Vinogradov Valentin Nikolaevich was born in Baku. This is a Soviet, Russian film director, a screenwriter, a film actor. Valentin Vinogradov debuted as an actor in the movie "Murderers" in which he has played a role of a gangster.
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