Сегодня родилась Евстигнеева Лилия Дмитриевна
12 октября 1937 года в Москве родилась Евстигнеева Лилия Дмитриевна. Это советская актриса театра и кино, жена знаменитого актера Евгения Евстигнеева. Самые популярные фильмы с участием Лилии Евстигнеевой: "Любовь с первого взгляда", "Любимая женщина механика Гаврилова", "Моя жена - бабушка", "До свидания, мальчики" и другие.
On October 12, 1937 in Moscow Yevstigneyeva Lilia Dmitriyevna was born. This is a Soviet actress of theater and cinema, a wife of the famous actor Evgeny Yevstigneyev. The most popular movies with Lilia Yevstigneyeva's participation are: "Love at first sight", "The beloved of the mechanic Gavrilov", "My wife - the grandmother", "Good-bye, boys" and others.
On October 12, 1937 in Moscow Yevstigneyeva Lilia Dmitriyevna was born. This is a Soviet actress of theater and cinema, a wife of the famous actor Evgeny Yevstigneyev. The most popular movies with Lilia Yevstigneyeva's participation are: "Love at first sight", "The beloved of the mechanic Gavrilov", "My wife - the grandmother", "Good-bye, boys" and others.
- film
- theater
- boy
- love
- woman
- grandmother
- popular
- Eugene