Чечевица - это бобовое растение, которое используется в пищу. При тепловой обработке чечевица дает легкий ореховый аромат. Её часто добавляют в тушеное мясо и запеканки, а также в салаты. Из нее готовят супы и гарниры. Из чечевичной муки пекут вегетарианский хлеб и пирожки. Чечевицу продают в сухом или консервированном виде. Она быстро готовится и содержит большое количество растительного белка, который легко усваивается организмом. Чечевица является превосходным источником железа, фолиевой кислоты и клетчатки.
Lentil is a bean plant which is used in food. At thermal treatment lentil gives light nut aroma. It is often added to stewed meat and baked puddings, and also to salads. Soups and garnishes are cooked with it. Vegetarian bread and pies are baked with lentil flour. Lentil is sold dry or tinned. It is cooked quickly and contains a large amount of vegetable protein which is easily acquired by an organism. Lentil is an excellent source of iron, folic acid and cellulose.
Lentil is a bean plant which is used in food. At thermal treatment lentil gives light nut aroma. It is often added to stewed meat and baked puddings, and also to salads. Soups and garnishes are cooked with it. Vegetarian bread and pies are baked with lentil flour. Lentil is sold dry or tinned. It is cooked quickly and contains a large amount of vegetable protein which is easily acquired by an organism. Lentil is an excellent source of iron, folic acid and cellulose.
- often
- salad
- easy, easily
- quantity
- quickly
- stewed
- to sell
- easy, light