Сегодня родился Ефремов Михаил Олегович
10 ноября 1963 года в Москве родился Ефремов Михаил Олегович. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино, театральный режиссёр, телеведущий. Михаил Ефремов активно играет в театрах. Самые известные фильмы с участием Михаила Ефремова: "Дни хирурга Мишкина", "Мужской зигзаг", "Гипноз", "Антикиллер", "Супертёща для неудачника", "Француз", "Диверсант", "Московкая сага", "Охота на пиранью" и многие другие.
On November 10, 1963 in Moscow Efremov Mikhail Olegovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, a TV host. Mikhail Efremov activly plays in theaters. The most famous movies with Mikhail Efremov's participation are: "Days of the surgeon Mishkin", "A men's zigzag", "Hypnosis", Antikiller, "Supermother-in-law for the loser", "Frenchman", "Saboteur", "the Moscow malleable saga", "Hunting for a piranha" and many others.
On November 10, 1963 in Moscow Efremov Mikhail Olegovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, a TV host. Mikhail Efremov activly plays in theaters. The most famous movies with Mikhail Efremov's participation are: "Days of the surgeon Mishkin", "A men's zigzag", "Hypnosis", Antikiller, "Supermother-in-law for the loser", "Frenchman", "Saboteur", "the Moscow malleable saga", "Hunting for a piranha" and many others.
- surgeon
- Frenchman
- film
- theater
- soviet
- Russian
- film director
- masculine, male, man's
- active