Сегодня родился Ильин Александр Александрович
22 ноября 1983 года в Москве в династии актёров родился Ильин Александр Александрович. Это российский актёр театра и кино, поэт, вокалист и автор текстов панк-группы "План Ломоносова". В кино актёр дебютировал в кино в 1992 году, когда был ребенком в российском телесериале "Мелочи жизни". Известность получил благодаря роли Семёна Лобанова в телесериале "Интерны". Другие фильмы с участием Александра Ильина: "Шизофрения", "Простые истины", "Курсанты, "Шериф", "Переводчик", "Таинственная страсть" и так далее.
November 22, 1983 in Moscow in the dynasty of actors Ilyin Alexander Alexandrovich was born. This is a russian film and theater actor, poet, singer and songwriter of the punk band "Lomonosov`s Plan". In cinema actor made his film debut in 1992, when he was a child in the Russian TV series "Little things of life." The fame was due to the role of Semyon Lobanov in the television series "Interns". Other movies with Alexander Ilyin: "Schizophrenia", "Simple Truth", "Cadets," Sheriff", "The Interpreter, "Mysterious Passion" and so on
November 22, 1983 in Moscow in the dynasty of actors Ilyin Alexander Alexandrovich was born. This is a russian film and theater actor, poet, singer and songwriter of the punk band "Lomonosov`s Plan". In cinema actor made his film debut in 1992, when he was a child in the Russian TV series "Little things of life." The fame was due to the role of Semyon Lobanov in the television series "Interns". Other movies with Alexander Ilyin: "Schizophrenia", "Simple Truth", "Cadets," Sheriff", "The Interpreter, "Mysterious Passion" and so on
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