Сегодня родился Буров Альберт Григорьевич
27 ноября 1936 года в Москве родился Буров Альберт Григорьевич. Это советский, затем российский актёр театра и кино, театральный режиссёр, педагог. Это автор четырёх книг и многих статей по вопросам актёрского мастерства и театральной педагогики. Самые известные фильмы с участием Альберта Бурова: "Доктор Философии", "Мартин Иден", "Город невест", "Графиня де Монсоро", "Граф народа", "Кодекс чести", "Адвокат" и другие.
On November 27, 1936 in Moscow Burov Albert Grigoryevich was born. This is a Soviet, then Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, a teacher. This is the author of four books and many articles concerning acting skills and theatrical pedagogics. The most famous movies with Albert Burov's participation are: "Doctor Filosofiya", "Martine Eden", "City of brides", "Countess de Monsoro", "Count of the people", "Code of honor", "Lawyer" and others.
On November 27, 1936 in Moscow Burov Albert Grigoryevich was born. This is a Soviet, then Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, a teacher. This is the author of four books and many articles concerning acting skills and theatrical pedagogics. The most famous movies with Albert Burov's participation are: "Doctor Filosofiya", "Martine Eden", "City of brides", "Countess de Monsoro", "Count of the people", "Code of honor", "Lawyer" and others.
- film
- theater
- soviet
- Russian
- film director
- doctor
- question, issue (noun, m.)
- author
- philosophy