Сегодня родилась Заякина Наталья Ивановна
5 декабря 1948 года родилась Заякина Наталья Ивановна. Это советская и российская актриса театра и кино, театральный деятель и педагог. Она закончила высшее театральное училище имени Щукина. Самые известные фильмы с участием Натальи Заякиной: "Полный вперёд!", "Моя прекрасная няня", "Внук космонавта", "Город миллионеров" и многие другие.
On December 5, 1948 Zayakina Natalya Ivanovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, a theatrical figure and a teacher. She has graduated from the highest theatrical school of Schukin. The most famous movies with Natalya Zayakina's participation are: "Full speed!", "My great nurse", "Astronaut's grandson", "City of millionaires" and many others.
On December 5, 1948 Zayakina Natalya Ivanovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, a theatrical figure and a teacher. She has graduated from the highest theatrical school of Schukin. The most famous movies with Natalya Zayakina's participation are: "Full speed!", "My great nurse", "Astronaut's grandson", "City of millionaires" and many others.
- film
- college, (specialized) school
- theater
- cosmonaut, astronaut
- many
- city (noun, m.)
- straight on
- soviet