Прополис - это пчелиный клей, который вырабатывается пчёлами для замазывания щелей и дезинфекции ячеек сот. Прополис — это клейкие вещества, которые пчёлы собирают с весенних почек деревьев (тополь, ольха, берёза) и модифицируют своими ферментами. Прополис содержит почти все микроэлементы, ферменты и аминокислоты, которые необходимы человеку. Прополис обладает антибактериальным и некоторым противовоспалительным свойствами. Он часто используется в народной медицине.
Propolis is a bee glue which is produced by bees for puttying of cracks and disinfection of cells of honeycombs. Propolis is adhesives which bees collect from spring buds of trees (a poplar, an alder, a birch) and modify with their enzymes. Propolis contains almost all minerals, enzymes and amino acids which are necessary for a human. Propolis has antibacterial and some anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used in traditional medicine.
Propolis is a bee glue which is produced by bees for puttying of cracks and disinfection of cells of honeycombs. Propolis is adhesives which bees collect from spring buds of trees (a poplar, an alder, a birch) and modify with their enzymes. Propolis contains almost all minerals, enzymes and amino acids which are necessary for a human. Propolis has antibacterial and some anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used in traditional medicine.
- man, person
- often
- almost, nearly
- to collect, to gather
- people's, popular, national
- medical
- medicine