Сегодня родился Габович Михаил Маркович
7 декабря 1905 года родился Габович Михаил Маркович. Это советский артист балета, балетмейстер и педагог. Критики называли танец Михаила Габовича сильным, мужественным и выразительным. Михаил Габович был автором книги «Душой исполненный полет» (1965) и многих статей о балете. Он был руководителем филиала Большого театра в Москве.
On December 7, 1905 Gabovich Mikhail Markovic was born. This is a Soviet ballet dancer, a ballet master and a teacher. Critics called Mikhail Gabovich's dance strong, courageous and expressive. Mikhail Gabovich was the author of the book "Soul the executed flight" (1965) and many articles about the ballet. He was the head of branch of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
On December 7, 1905 Gabovich Mikhail Markovic was born. This is a Soviet ballet dancer, a ballet master and a teacher. Critics called Mikhail Gabovich's dance strong, courageous and expressive. Mikhail Gabovich was the author of the book "Soul the executed flight" (1965) and many articles about the ballet. He was the head of branch of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
- theater
- dance
- soviet
- ballet
- actor
- author
- head
- courageous
- to criticize