Сегодня родился Кублицкий Георгий Иванович
31 декабря 1911 года родился Кублицкий Георгий Иванович. Это советский писатель, журналист, путешественник, кинодраматург, популяризатор географии и истории стран мира. Георгий Кублицкий является автором более 30 книг, в том числе детских, а также статей, заметок и очерков. Он также был автором рассказов для радиопередачи «Клуб знаменитых капитанов» и специальным корреспондентом «Литературной газеты» в США.
On December 31, 1911 Kublitsky Georgy Ivanovich was born. This is a Soviet writer, a journalist, a traveler, a film writer, a popular writer of geography and history of the countries of the world. Georgy Kublitsky is an author of more than 30 books, including for kids, and also articles, notes and sketches. He was also the author of stories for a broadcast "Club of the famous captains" and the special correspondent of "The literary newspaper" in the USA.
On December 31, 1911 Kublitsky Georgy Ivanovich was born. This is a Soviet writer, a journalist, a traveler, a film writer, a popular writer of geography and history of the countries of the world. Georgy Kublitsky is an author of more than 30 books, including for kids, and also articles, notes and sketches. He was also the author of stories for a broadcast "Club of the famous captains" and the special correspondent of "The literary newspaper" in the USA.
- soviet
- story
- traveller
- writer
- journalist
- more
- author
- country
- geography
- child's