Сегодня родилась Егорова Татьяна Николаевна
8 июля 1944 года в Москве родилась Егорова Татьяна Николаевна. Это советская и российская актриса театра и кино, журналистка, писательница. Автор нашумевшей книги "Андрей Миронов и я" и др. После окончания театрального училища имени Щукина в 1966 году она была принята в труппу театра Сатиры. Самые известные фильмы с участием Татьяны Егоровой: "Право на прыжок", "Проснись и пой", "Служебный роман", "Однажды двадцать лет спустя" и многие другие.
On July 8, 1944 in Moscow Egorova Tatyana Nikolaevna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, a journalist, a writer. Author of the sensational book "Andrey Mironov and I", etc. After graduation from the theatrical school of Schukin in 1966 she has been admitted to troupe of theater of Satire. The most famous movies with Tatyana Egorova's participation are: "The right for a jump", "Wake up and sing", "Office romance", "Once twenty years later" and many others.
On July 8, 1944 in Moscow Egorova Tatyana Nikolaevna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, a journalist, a writer. Author of the sensational book "Andrey Mironov and I", etc. After graduation from the theatrical school of Schukin in 1966 she has been admitted to troupe of theater of Satire. The most famous movies with Tatyana Egorova's participation are: "The right for a jump", "Wake up and sing", "Office romance", "Once twenty years later" and many others.
- film
- theater
- novel
- ones
- twenty
- author
- college, (specialized) school
- to accept, to take, to receive
- famous