Беглицкая коса
Беглицкая коса расположена на северном российском побережье Азовского моря, в Таганрогском заливе, примерно в 25 километрах к западу от города Таганрог. Беглицкая коса находится в Ростовской области России и является привлекательным местом отдыха для туристов, которые ищут уединение. Территория Беглицкой косы - это памятник природы, который имеет богатую флору.
Beglitskaya foreland is located on the northern Russian coast of the Azov Sea, in Taganrog Bay, approximately in 25 km to the West from the city of Taganrog. Beglitskaya foreland is in the Rostov region of Russia and is the attractive vacation place for tourists who look for privacy. The territory of Beglitskaya Spit is a nature monument with rich flora.
Beglitskaya foreland is located on the northern Russian coast of the Azov Sea, in Taganrog Bay, approximately in 25 km to the West from the city of Taganrog. Beglitskaya foreland is in the Rostov region of Russia and is the attractive vacation place for tourists who look for privacy. The territory of Beglitskaya Spit is a nature monument with rich flora.
- tourist
- rest
- west
- city (noun, m.)
- northern
- rich