Сегодня родился Бобылёв Иван Тимофеевич
14 января 1925 года родился Бобылёв Иван Тимофеевич. Это советский и российский театральный режиссер, актер и педагог. В качестве актёра Иван Бобылёв сыграл роль в фильме "Золотой полоз" (2007). Его самые известные театральные постановки: "Царь Фёдор Иоаннович", "На дне", "Три сестры", "Танго" и многие другие.
On January 14, 1925 Bobylyov Ivan Timofeyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian theatrical director, an actor and a teacher. As the actor Ivan Bobylyov has played a role in the movie "Gold Runner" (2007). His most known theatrical performances are: "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich", "At the bottom", "Three sisters", "Tango" and many others.
On January 14, 1925 Bobylyov Ivan Timofeyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian theatrical director, an actor and a teacher. As the actor Ivan Bobylyov has played a role in the movie "Gold Runner" (2007). His most known theatrical performances are: "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich", "At the bottom", "Three sisters", "Tango" and many others.
- film
- golden
- sister