Сегодня родился Добротворский Сергей Николаевич
22 января 1959 года в Ленинграде родился Добротворский Сергей Николаевич. Это кинокритик, режиссёр, сценарист, педагог, лектор актёр, председатель Петербургского отделения Гильдии киноведов и кинокритиков России. Совместно с двумя коллегами создал театр «На подоконнике», где он был режиссёром спектаклей «Последняя женщина Дона Хуана», «С днём рождения, Ванда Джун».
On January 22, 1959 in Leningrad Dobrotvorsky Sergey Nikolaevich was born. This is a film critic, a director, a screenwriter, teacher, lecturer the actor, chairman of the St. Petersburg office of Guild of film experts and film critics of Russia. Together with two colleagues has created "On a Window Sill" theater where he was a director of the performances "Last Woman of Don Huang", "Happy Birthday, Wanda June".
On January 22, 1959 in Leningrad Dobrotvorsky Sergey Nikolaevich was born. This is a film critic, a director, a screenwriter, teacher, lecturer the actor, chairman of the St. Petersburg office of Guild of film experts and film critics of Russia. Together with two colleagues has created "On a Window Sill" theater where he was a director of the performances "Last Woman of Don Huang", "Happy Birthday, Wanda June".
- theater
- Sergey
- film director
- woman
- January
- performance
- character
- colleague