Сегодня родилась Харитонова Светлана Николаевна
30 января 1932 года в Москве родилась Харитонова Светлана Николаевна. Это советская актриса театра и кино, одна из самых популярных киноактрис 50-80-х годов. Самые известные фильмы с участием Светланы Харитоновой: "Сын", "Солдат Иван Бровкин", "Доброе утро, "Две жизни", "Летят журавли", "Белые ночи", "Русский сувенир" и многие другие.
On January 30, 1932 in Moscow Haritonova Svetlana Nikolaevna was born. This is a Soviet actress of theater and cinema, one of the most popular film actresses of the 50-80ies. The most famous movies with Svetlana Kharitonova's participation are: "Son", "Soldier Ivan Brovkin", "Good morning, "Two lives", The Cranes Are Flying, "White nights", "The Russian souvenir" and many others.
On January 30, 1932 in Moscow Haritonova Svetlana Nikolaevna was born. This is a Soviet actress of theater and cinema, one of the most popular film actresses of the 50-80ies. The most famous movies with Svetlana Kharitonova's participation are: "Son", "Soldier Ivan Brovkin", "Good morning, "Two lives", The Cranes Are Flying, "White nights", "The Russian souvenir" and many others.