Первые фейерверки были изобретены в Китае в 12 веке нашей эры. В Европе фейерверк впервые появился в Италии. В России мастера фейерверков появились в 1545 году при Стрелецком полку, а первый масштабный фейерверк устроен в 1674 году в русском городе Устюг. Существует предположение, что первыми фейерверками были куски зелёного бамбука, который взрывался, когда его бросали в костёр.
The first fireworks were invented in China in the 12th century of our era. In Europe the fireworks have for the first time appeared in Italy. In Russia masters of fireworks appeared in 1545 at the Streletsky regiment, and the first large-scale fireworks are organized in 1674 in the Russian city of Ustyug. There is an opinion that pieces of a green bamboo which blew up when they were thrown into a fire were the first fireworks.
The first fireworks were invented in China in the 12th century of our era. In Europe the fireworks have for the first time appeared in Italy. In Russia masters of fireworks appeared in 1545 at the Streletsky regiment, and the first large-scale fireworks are organized in 1674 in the Russian city of Ustyug. There is an opinion that pieces of a green bamboo which blew up when they were thrown into a fire were the first fireworks.
- first
- foreman, expert
- city (noun, m.)
- green (adj.)