Сегодня родился Коваль Юрий Иосифович
9 февраля 1938 года в Москве родился Коваль Юрий Иосифович. Это советский и российский детский писатель и поэт, а также сценарист мультфильмов и фильмов для детей, художник и скульптор, автор и исполнитель песен. Юрий Коваль — один из самых известных и любимых детских писателей СССР и России, его книги многократно переиздавались и переиздаются. Самые известные литературные произведения Юрия Коваля: "Приключения Васи Куролесова", "Самая лёгкая лодка в мире", "Пять похищенных монахов" и другие.
On February 9, 1938 in Moscow Koval Yury Iosifovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian children's writer and a poet, and also a screenwriter of animated films and movies for children, an artist and a sculptor, an author and a performer of songs. Yury Koval is one of the most famous and favourite children's writers of the USSR and Russia, his book were repeatedly republished and republished. The most famous literary works of Yury Koval are: "Vasya Kurolesov's adventures", "The lightest boat in the world", "Five kidnapped monks" and others.
On February 9, 1938 in Moscow Koval Yury Iosifovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian children's writer and a poet, and also a screenwriter of animated films and movies for children, an artist and a sculptor, an author and a performer of songs. Yury Koval is one of the most famous and favourite children's writers of the USSR and Russia, his book were repeatedly republished and republished. The most famous literary works of Yury Koval are: "Vasya Kurolesov's adventures", "The lightest boat in the world", "Five kidnapped monks" and others.
- artist
- writer
- cartoon
- boat
- child's
- work